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> who else is looking forward to the execution of liberals after Trump takes office?

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#1 2024-04-21 17:48:03

who else is looking forward to the execution of liberals after Trump takes office?

Liberals have done so much damage


#2 2024-04-21 17:51:27

Re: who else is looking forward to the execution of liberals after Trump takes office?


Ho Chi Minh
#3 2024-04-21 18:12:24

Re: who else is looking forward to the execution of liberals after Trump takes office?

Execution is such a waste of resources. There are ways to repurpose liberals - crash test dummies, lab rats, ...


Rapist Donald J Trump
#4 2024-04-21 18:12:37

Re: who else is looking forward to the execution of liberals after Trump takes office?

I like to split Americans into two sub-groups:

A) the agathoi (translates as “the excellent people”):  High-income, educated, asset-rich, plenty of excess spendable income, typically homeowners

B) the kakoi (literally the “shyt people”):  Low- to no-income, low education, debt-burdened to varying degrees, retirees or welfare recipients reliant on social services, typically renters

I’m in group A, Trump supporters are almost universally in group B.

If Trump were to be elected, I and the others in group A would get a tax cut and the Trump supporters in group B would see their social services cut.


Tom Leykis
#5 2024-04-21 19:20:06

Re: who else is looking forward to the execution of liberals after Trump takes office?

TOMORROW's DNC comic book for unpaid interns, TODAY!!   clown


#6 2024-04-21 19:50:17

Re: who else is looking forward to the execution of liberals after Trump takes office?

Rapist Donald J Trump wrote:

I like to split Americans into two sub-groups:

A) the agathoi (translates as “the excellent people”):  High-income, educated, asset-rich, plenty of excess spendable income, typically homeowners

B) the kakoi (literally the “shyt people”):  Low- to no-income, low education, debt-burdened to varying degrees, retirees or welfare recipients reliant on social services, typically renters

I’m in group A, Trump supporters are almost universally in group B.

If Trump were to be elected, I and the others in group A would get a tax cut and the Trump supporters in group B would see their social services cut.

Pure fiction.


#7 2024-04-21 20:19:38

Re: who else is looking forward to the execution of liberals after Trump takes office?



#8 2024-04-21 20:51:14

Re: who else is looking forward to the execution of liberals after Trump takes office?

Cheetolini can’t muster the energy to stay awake in court, like he’s going to take on genocide. 

Killing millions of people is hard work. I doubt baggers could mass execute more than a handful before growing weary and needing to fuel
up at Country Buffet.


#9 2024-04-21 20:59:15

Re: who else is looking forward to the execution of liberals after Trump takes office?


Cheetolini can’t muster the energy to stay awake in court, like he’s going to take on genocide. 

Killing millions of people is hard work. I doubt baggers could mass execute more than a handful before growing weary and needing to fuel
up at Country Buffet.


Surround libfilth-infested cities. Cut electricity/water/food/communication. Let you vermin get slaughtered by your precious diversities. Let the diversities starve and kill each other.

Turn everything back on. Go in, clean up, kill any remaining vermin. Fill sports stadiums with vile libfilth treasoncrat pedogroomer diversity advocate corpses and incinerate. Enjoy greatness of America. usa


Rapist Donald J Trump
#10 2024-04-21 23:43:28

Re: who else is looking forward to the execution of liberals after Trump takes office?



Surround libfilth-infested cities. Cut electricity/water/food/communication. Let you vermin get slaughtered by your precious diversities. Let the diversities starve and kill each other.

Turn everything back on. Go in, clean up, kill any remaining vermin. Fill sports stadiums with vile libfilth treasoncrat pedogroomer diversity advocate corpses and incinerate. Enjoy greatness of America. usa

All the factories that make HFCS-laden fatty starch junk foods are in urban areas.  You’d be cutting off your own food supply.

Durn, I hope the QuikMart don’t run out of Mountain Dew and  Cheetos.


#11 2024-04-21 23:52:47

Re: who else is looking forward to the execution of liberals after Trump takes office?



Surround libfilth-infested cities. Cut electricity/water/food/communication. Let you vermin get slaughtered by your precious diversities. Let the diversities starve and kill each other.

Turn everything back on. Go in, clean up, kill any remaining vermin. Fill sports stadiums with vile libfilth treasoncrat pedogroomer diversity advocate corpses and incinerate. Enjoy greatness of America. usa


You’re severely mentally ill.  Get some counseling help.


#12 2024-04-22 00:05:57

Re: who else is looking forward to the execution of liberals after Trump takes office?



You’re severely mentally ill.  Get some counseling help.

You should kill yourself now and avoid the certain agonizing death you and all libfilth vermin are truly deserving of.



#13 2024-04-22 00:21:24

Re: who else is looking forward to the execution of liberals after Trump takes office?

Rapist Donald J Trump wrote:

All the factories that make HFCS-laden fatty starch junk foods are in urban areas.  You’d be cutting off your own food supply.

Durn, I hope the QuikMart don’t run out of Mountain Dew and  Cheetos.

I encourage you to keep that belief of yours with resolute certainty.


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