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> Commercial airliners are noping out of Iran airspace

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#1 2024-04-19 01:39:24

Commercial airliners are noping out of Iran airspace


#2 2024-04-19 01:39:47

Re: Commercial airliners are noping out of Iran airspace


#3 2024-04-19 01:40:31

Re: Commercial airliners are noping out of Iran airspace


#4 2024-04-19 02:05:07

Re: Commercial airliners are noping out of Iran airspace



Assclown Mini Tacos
#5 2024-04-19 04:02:32

Re: Commercial airliners are noping out of Iran airspace

Why do you stupid qunts repeatedly post Twitter/X garbage as if it meant anything?  It's social media.  It's just noise.


#6 2024-04-19 04:10:12

Re: Commercial airliners are noping out of Iran airspace

Assclown Mini Tacos wrote:

flightradar24 means nothing


Assclown Mini Tacos
#7 2024-04-19 04:19:03

Re: Commercial airliners are noping out of Iran airspace

waffle wrote:

Then post a flightradar link, not some twitter garbage. But the problem is bigger than this - the simple fact is that social media - of any kind - means absolutely nothing. It's ALL JUST FUQING NOISE. So posting anything from any form of social media as if it had any meaning is basically equivalent to screaming "I AM A FUQING BRAINDEAD QUNT" at the top of your voice.

And no, I'm certainly not suggesting that this is a failing that's exclusive to the left or the right - it seems many people of many alignments have been brain-damaged to the point they don't recognize what a valid source is anymore, and just endlessly post utter shyt and links to more utter shyt as if this was somehow corroboration.


#8 2024-04-19 04:21:14

Re: Commercial airliners are noping out of Iran airspace

Assclown Mini Tacos wrote:

Then post a flightradar link, not some twitter garbage. But the problem is bigger than this - the simple fact is that social media - of any kind - means absolutely nothing. It's ALL JUST FUQING NOISE. So posting anything from any form of social media as if it had any meaning is basically equivalent to screaming "I AM A FUQING BRAINDEAD QUNT" at the top of your voice.

And no, I'm certainly not suggesting that this is a failing that's exclusive to the left or the right - it seems many people of many alignments have been brain-damaged to the point they don't recognize what a valid source is anymore, and just endlessly post utter shyt and links to more utter shyt as if this was somehow corroboration.

twitter is the easiest way to post images here since shytleg made it impossible just to inline imgur links


#9 2024-04-19 11:37:53

Re: Commercial airliners are noping out of Iran airspace


twitter is the easiest way to post images here since shytleg made it impossible just to inline imgur links


I have twatter blocked, all I see when people post that here is a bit of text and a link. Same for yiddit, but all I see is a logo.


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