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> Hey Phildo, is there any chance of getting myocarditis with the covid vaccine?

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#1 2024-04-18 00:10:42

Hey Phildo, is there any chance of getting myocarditis with the covid vaccine?

Any chance at all?

Or are they perfectly safe and nobody has AEs from them?


#2 2024-04-18 01:44:52

Re: Hey Phildo, is there any chance of getting myocarditis with the covid vaccine?

coffee wrote:

Any chance at all?

Or are they perfectly safe and nobody has AEs from them?

Ask pfhildo to back any of his insane claims up and .....  escape2


#3 2024-04-18 02:33:27

Re: Hey Phildo, is there any chance of getting myocarditis with the covid vaccine?

coffee wrote:

Any chance at all?

Or are they perfectly safe and nobody has AEs from them?

Yes there is a chance, just as there is if you get COVID. Not sure which you're most likely to get it from. I'd have to Google that.


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