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> Here's the new NPR CEO Katherine Maher (and former chief executive of Wikipedia) explaining that "the truth" is an outdated concept.

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Phildos NPR Tote bag
#1 2024-04-17 12:57:47

Here's the new NPR CEO Katherine Maher (and former chief executive of Wikipedia) explaining that "the truth" is an outdated concept.


#2 2024-04-17 13:09:46

Re: Here's the new NPR CEO Katherine Maher (and former chief executive of Wikipedia) explaining that "the truth" is an outdated concept.


Defund npr!


#3 2024-04-17 13:29:14

Re: Here's the new NPR CEO Katherine Maher (and former chief executive of Wikipedia) explaining that "the truth" is an outdated concept.

The truth is backed by the power of the gun.  Sooner or later libbies will figure this out and quit lying all the time about everything.


#4 2024-04-17 14:22:17

Re: Here's the new NPR CEO Katherine Maher (and former chief executive of Wikipedia) explaining that "the truth" is an outdated concept.

Note, she'll "resign" in a week or two.  Then they will find someone who doesn't say the quiet part out loud.


#5 2024-04-17 14:27:05

Re: Here's the new NPR CEO Katherine Maher (and former chief executive of Wikipedia) explaining that "the truth" is an outdated concept.

All libfilth vermin are dishonest scumbag frauds, in need of eradication. usa



#6 2024-04-17 14:45:39

Re: Here's the new NPR CEO Katherine Maher (and former chief executive of Wikipedia) explaining that "the truth" is an outdated concept.

You can't have TRUTH in a propaganda driven society, at least they are now openly admitting it.


#7 2024-04-17 16:31:44

Re: Here's the new NPR CEO Katherine Maher (and former chief executive of Wikipedia) explaining that "the truth" is an outdated concept.


#8 2024-04-17 21:38:10

Re: Here's the new NPR CEO Katherine Maher (and former chief executive of Wikipedia) explaining that "the truth" is an outdated concept.

Phildos NPR Tote bag wrote:


She's Hawt!



#9 2024-04-17 22:10:03

Re: Here's the new NPR CEO Katherine Maher (and former chief executive of Wikipedia) explaining that "the truth" is an outdated concept.

She is going to get NPR defunded and deplatformed. lol


#10 2024-04-17 22:10:29

Re: Here's the new NPR CEO Katherine Maher (and former chief executive of Wikipedia) explaining that "the truth" is an outdated concept.


She is going to get NPR defunded and deplatformed. lol



#11 2024-04-17 22:35:48

Re: Here's the new NPR CEO Katherine Maher (and former chief executive of Wikipedia) explaining that "the truth" is an outdated concept.

Personal truth might be as fluid as gender these days but truth in the context of factual, provable narratives and media is finite and definable. In that sense and in her role, she's wrong. But it's a good attempt at deflecting a journalistic obligation.

We need defenders of truth not wishy washy word play. NPR should stick to being the Readers Digest of radio.


#12 2024-04-17 22:40:24

Re: Here's the new NPR CEO Katherine Maher (and former chief executive of Wikipedia) explaining that "the truth" is an outdated concept.


it's a good attempt at deflecting a journalistic obligation.

No it isn't. She's just babbling libfilth psychotic bullshyt, trying (and failing) to make excuses for why every last treasoncrat vermin is a dishonest scumbag fraud.

They need to be eradicated. All of them.



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