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> Biden Regime Designates YOUR THOUGHTS as Part of Government Infrastructure – They Call It “Cognitive Infrastructure” and They Believe It Is Their Right to Control It

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#1 2023-05-26 12:26:19

Biden Regime Designates YOUR THOUGHTS as Part of Government Infrastructure – They Call It “Cognitive Infrastructure” and They Believe It Is Their Right to Control It

once Fauci was deposed, the government sought to seal all depositions and video – along with discovery materials arguing that the government “employees” were being threatened and harassed and faced imminent harm but couldn’t produce any examples. The judge ruled against sealing anything but personal info like addresses.

So far, I’ve only really discussed the procedural happenings — however, what limited expedited discovery, in this case, has exposed (separate and apart from the Twitter files) is unprecedented and abhorrent.

The most widespread and troubling discovery? CISA has designated YOUR THOUGHTS part of the government’s infrastructure. They call it “cognitive infrastructure.”

They argue they can regulate what you think as they consider it under their purview.
https://www.uncoverdc.com/2023/05/24/th … i-v-biden/ [Questionable Source (Bagz)]

You see it here in how Phil tries to manipulate the discussion on the bard.


#2 2023-05-26 13:14:15

Re: Biden Regime Designates YOUR THOUGHTS as Part of Government Infrastructure – They Call It “Cognitive Infrastructure” and They Believe It Is Their Right to Control It

Treasoncrat libfilth are vermin, in need of eradication.




#3 2023-05-26 13:30:04

Re: Biden Regime Designates YOUR THOUGHTS as Part of Government Infrastructure – They Call It “Cognitive Infrastructure” and They Believe It Is Their Right to Control It


You see it here in how Phil tries to manipulate the discussion on the board.

The problem the globalists have is that they have to force people to deny reality, everywhere, all the time.

They believe they can use technology and extreme levels of oppression to do so (and they have an ally with the left and they don't even have to pay 99% of them) but I don't believe that they will succeed in completely enslaving humanity, though of course they will do so much damage in the process it may be a moot point.

The chink flu was just a trial run to gauge the opposition.

The "people" who carry the water for the subhuman globalist filth such as Shytleg, Phildo and anon loser are far worse forms of life than the globalists.  Show them no mercy, they want nothing but an agonizing death for anyone who opposes their masters (and they aren't exactly hiding it any more).


#4 2023-05-26 13:33:26

Re: Biden Regime Designates YOUR THOUGHTS as Part of Government Infrastructure – They Call It “Cognitive Infrastructure” and They Believe It Is Their Right to Control It



#5 2023-05-26 13:44:16

Re: Biden Regime Designates YOUR THOUGHTS as Part of Government Infrastructure – They Call It “Cognitive Infrastructure” and They Believe It Is Their Right to Control It

Remember, this is what the vermin that run this shythole call a garbage thread.

The angry sheboon posting bestiality pictures and allegedly child porn is what the vermin believe is a quality thread.

Says it all, really.


#6 2023-05-26 16:36:12

Re: Biden Regime Designates YOUR THOUGHTS as Part of Government Infrastructure – They Call It “Cognitive Infrastructure” and They Believe It Is Their Right to Control It

Fauci was Trumps guy.

Trump shut the country down for a bad cold.

Trump ran a three trillion dollar budget deficit with his Covid giveaways.


#7 2023-05-26 17:50:15

Re: Biden Regime Designates YOUR THOUGHTS as Part of Government Infrastructure – They Call It “Cognitive Infrastructure” and They Believe It Is Their Right to Control It

VP_Spiro_T_Cheney wrote:

Trump shut the country down for a bad cold.

No, that was the Democrats and it was at the State level.

Hence the massive migration from places with severe restrictions to those that imposed the least restrictions and lifted them first.

You stupid, lying qunt.


#8 2023-05-26 18:33:46

Re: Biden Regime Designates YOUR THOUGHTS as Part of Government Infrastructure – They Call It “Cognitive Infrastructure” and They Believe It Is Their Right to Control It


Remember, this is what the vermin that run this shythole call a garbage thread.

The angry sheboon posting bestiality pictures and allegedly child porn is what the vermin believe is a quality thread.

Says it all, really.

And OLG posting black cawk. That is always tolerated, even encouraged.


#9 2023-05-26 20:07:09

Re: Biden Regime Designates YOUR THOUGHTS as Part of Government Infrastructure – They Call It “Cognitive Infrastructure” and They Believe It Is Their Right to Control It

PupSocket wrote:

And OLG posting black cawk. That is always tolerated, even encouraged.

Because Phildo is OLG.  He admitted it a few weeks ago.


#10 2023-05-26 21:06:20

Re: Biden Regime Designates YOUR THOUGHTS as Part of Government Infrastructure – They Call It “Cognitive Infrastructure” and They Believe It Is Their Right to Control It


Because Phildo is OLG.  He admitted it a few weeks ago.

pfhildo doesn't have the intellectual capability to run a sock account.


#11 2023-05-26 22:09:03

Re: Biden Regime Designates YOUR THOUGHTS as Part of Government Infrastructure – They Call It “Cognitive Infrastructure” and They Believe It Is Their Right to Control It

Pfhil is dindo?   lol


#12 2023-05-26 22:51:42

Re: Biden Regime Designates YOUR THOUGHTS as Part of Government Infrastructure – They Call It “Cognitive Infrastructure” and They Believe It Is Their Right to Control It


No, that was the Democrats and it was at the State level.

Hence the massive migration from places with severe restrictions to those that imposed the least restrictions and lifted them first.

You stupid, lying qunt.

My strong GEOTUS was just a helpless victim, not responsible for anything!


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