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> HDDVD, Gone, But Not Forgotten

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#1 2023-05-25 05:15:17

HDDVD, Gone, But Not Forgotten

Anyone want to buy some like-new rare, collectable HDDVDs?


#2 2023-05-25 05:27:23

Re: HDDVD, Gone, But Not Forgotten

This guy thinks his "rare" HDDVD is worth $110.  You can always hope.  lol



#3 2023-05-25 05:29:49

Re: HDDVD, Gone, But Not Forgotten

I think people make these listings for some scam reason like valuing "inventory" to try to collateralize a loan or something.




#4 2023-05-25 05:32:31

Re: HDDVD, Gone, But Not Forgotten

Jewish junk dealer, damn.



#5 2023-05-25 05:34:00

Re: HDDVD, Gone, But Not Forgotten

I believe you without the picture.  I have two, a model like yours but I don't remember the maker, it is put away now, and a Xbox 360 HD-DVD reader which works with a Windows PC over USB as well as Xboxes.


#6 2023-05-25 07:39:17

Re: HDDVD, Gone, But Not Forgotten

If you don't upgrade beyond what's needed, you can happily live with regular dvds @ 720p.
Once youtube got big, all that stuff went goodbye because handy cam resolution went down to 480p.


#7 2023-05-25 07:49:30

Re: HDDVD, Gone, But Not Forgotten

720p is not that great.  I do think 1080p is enough resolution for most applications, though.  Some nature photography looks great at 4K though.  Maybe movies that incorporate a lot of wide photography, like Lawrence of Arabia.


#8 2023-05-25 08:17:34

Re: HDDVD, Gone, But Not Forgotten

Yeah, good point, DVD typically is 720x480.  480 is the "lines of resolution" (rows) which is what resolution is counted at.

720 is better, but it is soft even on a 42" TV.  1080 to me looks uniformly good on almost all TVs.


#9 2023-05-25 14:35:12

Re: HDDVD, Gone, But Not Forgotten

1080p is plenty for most viewing, unless you have like a 100" TV and are sitting too close to it.

The problem is, things that are "1080p" are often just compressed shyt with a lot of artifacting from the over-compression... so it looks like ass anyway.  It's not because the resolution isn't high enough, it's because it was encoded somehow shytty, or a streaming provider is trying to save on bandwidth.


#10 2023-05-25 14:39:20

Re: HDDVD, Gone, But Not Forgotten

You know what is interesting? The real winner of the format war was the TCP packet.


#11 2023-05-25 14:39:57

Re: HDDVD, Gone, But Not Forgotten

Phillip_McCavity wrote:

You know what is interesting? The real winner of the format war was the TCP packet.

Where can I get me a packet of that PCP?


#12 2023-05-25 16:09:31

Re: HDDVD, Gone, But Not Forgotten

Phillip_McCavity wrote:

You know what is interesting? The real winner of the format war was the TCP packet.

Because tards subscribe to the renter society. When I heard kids were renting clothes now I knew America was fuxxored. They don't understand the value of buying quality, classic items and want a revolving array of garbage instead. Clothes, music, video, everything. It's the zero attention span culture.


#13 2023-05-25 16:12:35

Re: HDDVD, Gone, But Not Forgotten

Phillip_McCavity wrote:

You know what is interesting? The real winner of the format war was the TCP packet.

That's sort of what I said, Youtube, and then streaming in general made DVD and it's various formats obsolete.


#14 2023-05-25 16:27:36

Re: HDDVD, Gone, But Not Forgotten

Paying $20/mo for my whole family to be able to listen to whatever music they want, as much as they want, from any genre, on any device... is a bargain without having to fuq around with buying individual physical media and then having to store that, and be limited to just playing those same ones over and over again... and it's better than wasting my life searching pirate sites to download all kinds of shyt and risking legal threats from my ISP or **AA organizations.


#15 2023-05-25 17:04:05

Re: HDDVD, Gone, But Not Forgotten


Paying $20/mo for my whole family to be able to listen to whatever music they want, as much as they want, from any genre, on any device... is a bargain without having to fuq around with buying individual physical media and then having to store that, and be limited to just playing those same ones over and over again... and it's better than wasting my life searching pirate sites to download all kinds of shyt and risking legal threats from my ISP or **AA organizations.

I find myself streaming music I already own just for convenience, and nothing new is of any interest. I'm perfectly happy listening to pre 2010 music indefinitely. If it was $2 that would be fair.


#16 2023-05-25 17:15:05

Re: HDDVD, Gone, But Not Forgotten


You're right, I thought it was 1080p

They upscale though on most modern players


#17 2023-05-25 18:08:09

Re: HDDVD, Gone, But Not Forgotten

Oh great Aus car and Spanky are back to their aggressive butt-fuqing.


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