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> No sign of the Tranny murderer's manifesto

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#1 2023-03-30 14:51:24

No sign of the Tranny murderer's manifesto

Why is that?


Suck it Liberals!
#2 2023-03-30 14:56:55

Re: No sign of the Tranny murderer's manifesto

Suckpoppet wrote:

Why is that?



#3 2023-03-30 15:08:57

Re: No sign of the Tranny murderer's manifesto

Suck it Liberals! wrote:


You trannies sure are sensitive!


Suck it Liberals!
#4 2023-03-30 15:13:35

Re: No sign of the Tranny murderer's manifesto

Suckpoppet wrote:

You trannies sure are sensitive!



#5 2023-03-30 15:44:50

Re: No sign of the Tranny murderer's manifesto

Suckpoppet wrote:

Why is that?

My guess would be that it attempts to conflate this persons mental illness and failure in life with the plight of other oppressed people. Which no matter how you read it, is no valid excuse to kill people, particularly children.


#6 2023-03-30 15:53:26

Re: No sign of the Tranny murderer's manifesto

Because it just might re enforce the FACT that transgenderism is a mental illness. 

Their narrative ( on evrything) is collapsing. 

They are well aware.


Tom Leykis
#7 2023-03-30 16:13:38

Re: No sign of the Tranny murderer's manifesto

Ron_Santo_Redux wrote:

Because it just might re enforce the FACT that transgenderism is a mental illness. 

Their narrative ( on evrything) is collapsing. 

They are well aware.

Transgenderism is a serious mental disorder


#8 2023-03-30 16:29:32

Re: No sign of the Tranny murderer's manifesto


My guess would be that it attempts to conflate this persons mental illness and failure in life with the plight of other oppressed people.

There is NO evidence that this psychotic individual was 'oppressed'. The jewspeak fixation with claiming every group besides white male heterosexuals is 'oppressed' is a total fabrication. Deranged, constantly repeated fiction.



#9 2023-03-30 16:39:14

Re: No sign of the Tranny murderer's manifesto

The ink isn't dry yet and the websites aren't finished. Remember that "Bagger" that attacked Paul Pelosi?


#10 2023-03-30 17:55:51

Re: No sign of the Tranny murderer's manifesto

The corrupt filth at the fbi are 'sanitizing' it prior to public release.


Tom Leykis
#11 2023-03-30 18:28:05

Re: No sign of the Tranny murderer's manifesto


The corrupt filth at the fbi are 'sanitizing' it prior to public release.

potato OTD!


#12 2023-03-31 23:21:41

Re: No sign of the Tranny murderer's manifesto



#13 2023-04-02 13:07:24

Re: No sign of the Tranny murderer's manifesto



#14 2023-04-02 13:08:40

Re: No sign of the Tranny murderer's manifesto

Fake news! Never happened!


Doggo News Reporting
#15 2023-04-02 13:12:50

Re: No sign of the Tranny murderer's manifesto

Did Alex Jones find the dead kids yet?


#16 2023-04-02 13:17:24

Re: No sign of the Tranny murderer's manifesto

Jewish government.  Jewish media.  Jewish "law enforcement".

Gee, I wonder.


#17 2023-04-03 17:53:48

Re: No sign of the Tranny murderer's manifesto



#18 2023-04-03 23:25:53

Re: No sign of the Tranny murderer's manifesto

It is essential that we understand this hate crime against Christian children so we can prevent this horror from happening again.


#19 2023-04-03 23:36:58

Re: No sign of the Tranny murderer's manifesto

I figured Phil would know, he alsays has the inside scoop on things like this.



#20 2023-04-08 20:14:22

Re: No sign of the Tranny murderer's manifesto





#21 2023-04-10 18:27:58

Re: No sign of the Tranny murderer's manifesto

Another day and no sign of the Trannyfesto.


#22 2023-04-10 18:38:12

Re: No sign of the Tranny murderer's manifesto

Suckpoppet wrote:

Another day and no sign of the Trannyfesto.

Another rampage was scheduled for today to make everyone forget.


#23 2023-04-10 19:10:43

Re: No sign of the Tranny murderer's manifesto

We never got a manifesto or explanation for the Vegas shooter, either.  Sounds like the FBI was covering up their gender identity, too.


#24 2023-04-10 19:37:12

Re: No sign of the Tranny murderer's manifesto


We never got a manifesto or explanation for the Vegas shooter, either.  Sounds like the FBI was covering up their gender identity, too.

They have recently (5 years after the shooting) tried to claim he was mad about how the casinos were treating him

https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/202 … 572044002/

The Mandalay Bay hotel, Paddock's acquaintance told the FBI, "was not treating Paddock well because a player of his status should have been in a higher floor in a penthouse suite."

cornlol bullshyt


#25 2023-04-10 19:56:19

Re: No sign of the Tranny murderer's manifesto

Suckpoppet wrote:

They have recently (5 years after the shooting) tried to claim he was mad about how the casinos were treating him

The Mandalay Bay hotel, Paddock's acquaintance told the FBI, "was not treating Paddock well because a player of his status should have been in a higher floor in a penthouse suite."

cornlol bullshyt

Wow. Very little effort put into that, obviously because they know it will get little attention. They should have not bothered, as it is clear and obvious shyt.


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