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> Remember Libfags: There Is NO Federal Right To An Abortion. There IS A Federal Right To Having The Concealed Carry Assault Rifle Or Handgun Of Your Choice.

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#1 2023-03-21 04:45:36

Remember Libfags: There Is NO Federal Right To An Abortion. There IS A Federal Right To Having The Concealed Carry Assault Rifle Or Handgun Of Your Choice.




#2 2023-03-21 07:53:25

Re: Remember Libfags: There Is NO Federal Right To An Abortion. There IS A Federal Right To Having The Concealed Carry Assault Rifle Or Handgun Of Your Choice.




You will be kneecapped and driven into penury!


#3 2023-03-21 11:25:35

Re: Remember Libfags: There Is NO Federal Right To An Abortion. There IS A Federal Right To Having The Concealed Carry Assault Rifle Or Handgun Of Your Choice.




Conservatives want unwanted babies to be forced into a cruel and uncaring world so the kids grow up to be criminals thus providing a constant drum beat of fear and crime so the scumbag gun makers can sell an increasing number ever more deadly arsenal to both the criminals and the victims. The offense and the defense.

Got it. Asshole.


#4 2023-03-21 11:37:14

Re: Remember Libfags: There Is NO Federal Right To An Abortion. There IS A Federal Right To Having The Concealed Carry Assault Rifle Or Handgun Of Your Choice.

A well-regulated militia can carry muskets or their modern equivalent, BB guns. That's it,


#5 2023-03-21 18:38:19

Re: Remember Libfags: There Is NO Federal Right To An Abortion. There IS A Federal Right To Having The Concealed Carry Assault Rifle Or Handgun Of Your Choice.


A well-regulated militia can carry muskets or their modern equivalent, BB guns. That's it,

I guess the first Amendment only applies to things you write with a quill pen, right?



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