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> NYS changes minimum scores for student proficiency in math, English

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#1 2023-03-18 18:02:04

NYS changes minimum scores for student proficiency in math, English

Committee tells Board of Regent the lower scores are the "new normal"

ALBANY — New York will change what it takes for students to reach “proficiency” on state math and English language arts tests, calling last year’s lower scores the “new normal.”

A scoring committee that reports to the Board of Regents said Monday that they must take into account the results of last year’s tests for students in grades three through eight to determine whether schools are showing improvement from year to year. On Thursday, the committee wanted to clarify that they must also reset scores because the tests will have new performance standards.

Last year some schools posted shocking results — in Schenectady, no eighth grader who took the math test scored as proficient. And the scores for the third through eighth grade tests throughout the state were much lower in 2022 than in 2019, a result no doubt of the absence of in-person learning during the first year and beyond of the COVID-19 pandemic.

https://www.timesunion.com/news/article … 841120.php



#2 2023-03-18 18:06:01

Re: NYS changes minimum scores for student proficiency in math, English



Tom Leykis
#3 2023-03-18 18:24:41

Re: NYS changes minimum scores for student proficiency in math, English

It worked in San Francisco, where the school system "taught" a certain demographic that they were entitled to $5 million each, just because of their color. 



a non user #3
#4 2023-03-18 18:26:49

Re: NYS changes minimum scores for student proficiency in math, English

Great job, DeSantis!  You fuqing redneck terrorist!


#5 2023-03-18 18:32:40

Re: NYS changes minimum scores for student proficiency in math, English

Tom Leykis wrote:

It worked in San Francisco, where the school system "taught" a certain demographic that they were entitled to $5 million each, just because of their color.


Democrats are not big on educating children.  Just on touching their special areas and pushing the nation-wrecking globalist propaganda at the behest of their billionaire masters.  shrug

Another example:


Oregon governor signs bill ending reading and math proficiency requirements for graduation

Oregon Gov. Kate Brown privately signed a bill last month ending the requirement for high school students to prove proficiency in reading, writing, and arithmetic before graduation.

Brown, a Democrat, did not hold a public signing or issue a press release regarding the passing of Senate Bill 744 on July 14, and the measure, which was approved by lawmakers in June, was not added into the state's legislative database until more than two weeks later on July 29, an unusually quiet approach to enacting legislation, according to the Oregonian.

https://news.yahoo.com/oregon-governor- … 00667.html


Tom Leykis
#6 2023-03-18 18:44:07

Re: NYS changes minimum scores for student proficiency in math, English



#7 2023-03-18 18:48:44

Re: NYS changes minimum scores for student proficiency in math, English

I don't think we'll be seeing Shytleg, anon loser or Phildo in this thread.


#8 2023-03-18 18:49:35

Re: NYS changes minimum scores for student proficiency in math, English

Cities like Baltimore should just stop testing.


#9 2023-03-18 19:03:54

Re: NYS changes minimum scores for student proficiency in math, English


#10 2023-03-18 20:43:47

Re: NYS changes minimum scores for student proficiency in math, English


I don't think we'll be seeing Shytleg, anon loser or Phildo in this thread.

Things are fine!


#11 2023-03-18 20:56:36

Re: NYS changes minimum scores for student proficiency in math, English


I don't think we'll be seeing Shytleg, anon loser or Phildo in this thread.

Perhaps, but they are known, proven supporters and proponents of this kind of fuqery.


#12 2023-03-19 16:00:38

Re: NYS changes minimum scores for student proficiency in math, English


I don't think we'll be seeing Shytleg, anon loser or Phildo in this thread.

Told you so.  digtbk


#13 2023-03-19 16:12:40

Re: NYS changes minimum scores for student proficiency in math, English

Its the new normal. More diversity, more stupidity.


Tom Leykis
#14 2023-03-19 18:07:09

Re: NYS changes minimum scores for student proficiency in math, English


Cities like Baltimore should just stop testing.

Maybe they did and are just making shyt up.  Sounds like democRATS.


Empty Maybe
#15 2023-03-19 18:51:07

Re: NYS changes minimum scores for student proficiency in math, English


I don't think we'll be seeing Shytleg, anon loser or Phildo in this thread.

That's how they cope. It's called cognitive dissonance. Still waiting for their definition of racism.


#16 2023-03-19 19:03:44

Re: NYS changes minimum scores for student proficiency in math, English

Well then, it's settled. We now know who the next Secretary Of The Treasury will come from. cornlol


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