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> Prediction: Trump will cry like a little bitch when arrested.

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Liberal Avenger
#1 2023-03-18 16:28:02

Prediction: Trump will cry like a little bitch when arrested.


#2 2023-03-18 16:31:48

Re: Prediction: Trump will cry like a little bitch when arrested.

Fuq off rosa


#3 2023-03-18 16:43:31

Re: Prediction: Trump will cry like a little bitch when arrested.

The crying will really start when the BBC gets to his tender orange butthole. jailhump


#4 2023-03-18 21:51:33

Re: Prediction: Trump will cry like a little bitch when arrested.



anon user #3
#5 2023-03-18 22:03:45

Re: Prediction: Trump will cry like a little bitch when arrested.


#6 2023-03-18 22:06:02

Re: Prediction: Trump will cry like a little bitch when arrested.

Liberal Avenger wrote:

Prediction: Trump will cry like a little bitch when arrested.

Trump drives the monkeys bananas!


#7 2023-03-18 22:17:08

Re: Prediction: Trump will cry like a little bitch when arrested.

Prediction.  He won't.  But the prosecutor may well after Republicans are done with her.


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