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> Another beautiful day on God’s earth that I pray for a swift removal of the Libfilth degenerates that plague our wonderful USA.

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Praying the Phil away
#1 2022-05-16 13:23:17

Another beautiful day on God’s earth that I pray for a swift removal of the Libfilth degenerates that plague our wonderful USA.



#2 2022-05-16 14:42:24

Re: Another beautiful day on God’s earth that I pray for a swift removal of the Libfilth degenerates that plague our wonderful USA.

Thank God Phil and Spanky didn’t reproduce. Their ideology will die will when they do.


#3 2022-05-16 20:59:32

Re: Another beautiful day on God’s earth that I pray for a swift removal of the Libfilth degenerates that plague our wonderful USA.


Thank God Phil and Spanky didn’t reproduce. Their ideology will die will when they do.



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