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> Should renters be allowed to vote? Too irresponsible to save up for a house, no roots in their communities

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#1 2022-01-26 01:01:06

Should renters be allowed to vote? Too irresponsible to save up for a house, no roots in their communities

, just fecklessness and a history of poor decisions.

The founding fathers were, as usual, correct about this. Only property owners have the wisdom and long term thinking to guide a society to greatness.


#2 2022-01-26 01:24:28

Re: Should renters be allowed to vote? Too irresponsible to save up for a house, no roots in their communities

Property owners only. In addition, landlords should get an extra vote for every tenant they have.


#3 2022-01-26 01:26:24

Re: Should renters be allowed to vote? Too irresponsible to save up for a house, no roots in their communities

A bunch of strung out drunks and drug addicts.  Kids that don't visit them on Christmas.  Living with vermin.  Complete filth.


Trinitron Gozales
#4 2022-01-26 01:29:08

Re: Should renters be allowed to vote? Too irresponsible to save up for a house, no roots in their communities

Property owners should get the voting rights of each of their tenants.
That makes it fair.



#5 2022-01-26 01:34:13

Re: Should renters be allowed to vote? Too irresponsible to save up for a house, no roots in their communities


Property owners only. In addition, landlords should get an extra vote for every tenant they have.



Tom Leykis
#6 2022-01-26 02:42:45

Re: Should renters be allowed to vote? Too irresponsible to save up for a house, no roots in their communities

Trinitron Gozales wrote:

Property owners should get the voting rights of each of their tenants.
That makes it fair.


I agree.  Using the Democrat theory and practice, even the dead ones and those that moved out.  Or were evicted.


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