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> Time to report Spanky and Heekee

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#1 2022-01-25 23:58:15

Time to report Spanky and Heekee

https://twitter.com/QasimRashid/status/ … 2573558792

Spanky has said that slavery was wrong, and Heekee keeps talking about transvestites!


#2 2022-01-26 00:15:42

Re: Time to report Spanky and Heekee



Spanky has said that slavery was wrong, and Heekee keeps talking about transvestites!

Teaching your racist views is also teaching racism.


#3 2022-01-26 00:17:35

Re: Time to report Spanky and Heekee

Where did Qasim Rashid, Esq. get a degree? lol


anon user #3
#4 2022-01-26 00:27:29

Re: Time to report Spanky and Heekee

I'm going to call in and report Hillary Clinton and act like a dumb Bagger. lol


#5 2022-01-26 00:37:41

Re: Time to report Spanky and Heekee

All I did was say they smelt funny man, give me a break!


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