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> I found the perfect gift for COVID hysterics like Phil and AU

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#1 2022-01-25 22:29:08

I found the perfect gift for COVID hysterics like Phil and AU


#2 2022-01-25 22:59:39

Re: I found the perfect gift for COVID hysterics like Phil and AU

lol I swear a person's IQ drops 40 points with a mask on.


anon user #3
#3 2022-01-25 23:37:20

Re: I found the perfect gift for COVID hysterics like Phil and AU

Most of the people wearing a mask in a car while alone are:

1. Uber drivers
2. people on their way to or from somewhere where they must wear a mask and they just put it on early for the heck of it because why not?

It's not usually because they seriously think they are going to get covid while driving alone in their car.


#4 2022-01-25 23:55:19

Re: I found the perfect gift for COVID hysterics like Phil and AU

anon user #3 wrote:

Most of the people wearing a mask in a car while alone are:

1. Uber drivers
2. people on their way to or from somewhere where they must wear a mask and they just put it on early for the heck of it because why not?

It's not usually because they seriously think they are going to get covid while driving alone in their car.

Some, not most. Most are fuqing simplistic and stupid.


#5 2022-01-25 23:58:47

Re: I found the perfect gift for COVID hysterics like Phil and AU


lol I swear a person's IQ drops 40 points with a mask on.

Hypoxia is a real thing - get a pulse oximiter and test yourself with and without the face diaper.


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