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> Kamala Harris says the term "Islamic terror" should be abolished. Not the act. The term.

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#1 2024-07-26 20:49:55

Kamala Harris says the term "Islamic terror" should be abolished. Not the act. The term.


#2 2024-07-26 20:51:46

Re: Kamala Harris says the term "Islamic terror" should be abolished. Not the act. The term.

Speaking to the Islamic Center of Southern California, Kamala Harris says the term "radical Islamic terrorism" should be abolished.

Harris is affiliated with NIAC, a pro-Khamenei lobby group for the Islamic Republic.


#3 2024-07-26 20:53:10

Re: Kamala Harris says the term "Islamic terror" should be abolished. Not the act. The term.

She is an enemy of America. Duh. As is anyone who supports her in any manner at all.


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